Rasters in LiquidEarth can be projected onto other content, such as textured or untextured meshes, as long as those meshes are not inherently transparent. The ability to toggle the projection on or off is independent of the Raster Mesh visibility (Raster: Show Mesh).
Projection Parameters
- Projection Depth: Adjust the depth at which the raster projects onto the content.
- Values range from 0 (aligned with the position of the raster plane) to 1 (maximum distance within the space extent).
- Controlled via a slider for precise adjustments.
- Opacity: Define the transparency level of the projection overlay.
- Lower opacity makes the projection less obstructive, while higher opacity enhances its visibility over other content.
A geophysical raster projected onto underlying geological model surfaces.
The raster projection controls are accessible via the inspector.
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