Release Date: 5 **June 2024
Fixed an issue where in-app sharing of a space via e-mail was not working in some cases.
Resolved an issue where modifying Content during a Live Session could lead to users seeing different States until restarting the app and re-joining the session.
Worked on preventing accidental GUI navigation when using the WASD or arrow keys to navigate the 3D Workspace, which could lead to unintended modifications of content via GUI controls.
Addressed an issue on Windows where content was often not cached due to attempting to write to paths exceeding the Windows-specific file path character limit. This could result in longer-than-necessary load times, especially on slow internet connections.
Fixed rendering issues where sketches on Surface Meshs could appear in the wrong location after changing the Space Extent.
<aside> ⚠️ Heads Up: Similar issues persist with other types of Blocks applied to surfaces due to how the surface is transformed according to the space extent. Please note that after changing the space extent, manual repositioning of callouts and recapturing of views may be necessary. This will be addressed shortly.
Addressed issues related to Import .OBJ:
Resolved an issue where accessing the LiquidEarth Web Portal via the User & Network Panel and then refreshing the app for possible changes made in the web portal would put the User & Network Panel into an invalid state.
Guest Role:
Fixed an issue where using the markdown syntax for bold text (e.g., ** Bold Text **
) caused entire text sections to vanish in Note Blocks.