Beyond the foundational visualization and interaction elements of LiquidEarth, more sophisticated features are accessible depending on the type of selected content. Typically, these specialized options will be displayed in the Inspector or its corresponding quickbar.

The following sections highlight the most crucial advanced interactions per content type.


A Space is the central organization unit in LiquidEarth, offering a framework for data containment. A space can house a single 3D data type or file or encapsulate whole projects consisting of multiple datasets and subspaces. Spaces are visualized by selectable 3D bounding boxes in the 3D Workspace, their scale representing the extent defined by a user or dictated by the largest enclosed dataset.

Bounding Box Control

A respective inspector panel allows you to control the visibility and interaction of the bounding box in the 3D workspace. With the Display Box toggle, you can manage its visibility, while the Box Blocks Selection function determines if the bounding box frame obstructs content selection within the box by clicking or tapping.

These settings determine the basic behavior of a space’s bounding box.

These settings determine the basic behavior of a space’s bounding box.

Vertical Exaggeration

This feature enables you to modify the Vertical Exaggeration of a selected space and its content, either by using a slider or entering a numerical value. The Reset button reverts the value to its default of 1.

The Vertical Exaggeration functional element.

The Vertical Exaggeration functional element.

Example project space without vertical exaggeration (value = 1.00).

Example project space without vertical exaggeration (value = 1.00).

Example project with large vertical exaggeration (value > 2.00).

Example project with large vertical exaggeration (value > 2.00).

Space Unloading

This feature enables you to unload a selected Space from your workspace. Unloading does not delete the space or affect its remote storage in any way, and you can reload it at any time.

You can unload a space by selecting the button highlighted in red above.

You can unload a space by selecting the button highlighted in red above.

3D Meshes

Polygonal meshes are made up of vertices, edges, and faces and as a data type can be used to represent a variety of 3D surfaces and other features, such as lithological interfaces. They may be textured or untextured. Typical textured mesh examples are topographical maps or 3D geological outcrop scans.

Mesh Color Customization & Transparency

Untextured meshes have a solid color. You can adapt the color of a selected mesh using the respective function in the inspector, via different sliders, numerical entries, or by entering a respective hexadecimal value.