The graphical user interface (GUI) of LiquidEarth is designed for consistency across different supported devices and maximization of visual 3D space. The majority of elements are collapsed by default, promoting an uncluttered user experience. Here, we break down the core GUI elements.
The primary GUI elements in the LiquidEarth app consist of:
Each of these core elements further comprises numerous subsidiary elements.
The ever-present top bar offers basic insights and controls via:
User & Network Connectivity status panel
The User & Network Connectivity panel.
The Breadcrumb Trail allows you to visualize your navigation path and access the hierarchy of your workspace content with ease.
The Activity Feed logs and displays key processes and changes in LiquidEarth, allowing you to track and understand your workspace's progress.
Camera Modes selection
You can switch between Free Camera and Orbiting mode.
Live Session Panel (see also: Live Session)
The Live Session panel offers important information and controls regarding real-time collaboration.
Helpful resources such as access to tutorials are provided via the ‘Help’ section in the top bar.
Access to Settings ****and the Log Out option.
The upper right of the top bar provides access to the in-app settings and lets you log out of your account.