<aside> ℹ️ Device-Specific UX Differences: Please note that while the general GUI remains consistent across platforms, the visualization and interaction experience with the 3D workspace and its contents in LiquidEarth will vary depending on the device used. XR headsets, for instance, offer a wholly distinct and immersive way of experiencing the app, which is markedly different from the experience on a desktop PC.
Throughout much of the documentation and tutorials, we ground our general descriptions in the experience of desktop and laptop devices. However, we supplement these descriptions with additional information concerning device-specific variations as necessary. This approach ensures our documentation stays comprehensive and relevant across all device types.
As a user, your perspective is represented by a 3D position in the 3D Workspace. We refer to this representation as the 'user camera', which can be maneuvered throughout the workspace and its contents. The following instructions focus on desktop and laptop devices using a mouse and keyboard, with additional notes for portable touch devices and mixed-reality headsets.
On desktop and laptop devices (Windows PC or macOS), camera movement within the 3D Workspace is facilitated by the keyboard and mouse or touchpad interactions.
The keyboard controls include W
for forward, S
for backward, A
for left, D
for right, Q
for down, and E
for up. Holding SHIFT
in combination with these keys will accelerate these movements. You can also manipulate the camera angle using the right mouse button RMB
in combination with mouse movement to pan and tilt the camera, essentially “looking around”. The middle mouse button MMB
with mouse movement shifts the camera sideways, upwards, or downwards perpendicular to the viewing direction (similar to using A
, D
, Q
, and E
). Using the mouse scroll wheel zooms in and out.
The right mouse button RMB
, coupled with the left ALT
key (LALT
) and mouse movement, allows you to orbit around a focal point, typically the content currently selected. If the camera hasn't been focused on content, the focal point is the workspace origin. You can also switch between two modes that have free camera movement **and orbiting **as a default respectively.
Overview of the main controls using keyboard and mouse.
Please refer to Key Bindings and Hotkeys for detailed information and additional keyboard shortcuts.
When you use the Focus on Selection button located in the Inspector or its respective quickbar, the user camera will automatically navigate to the selected content. If no content is selected, this function will have no effect.
Portable touch devices such as iPads employ different interaction mechanics to accommodate the touch interface. Currently, these devices operate in an augmented reality (AR) mode in LiquidEarth. This mode integrates the 3D Workspace with your immediate real-world surroundings. For instance, a project space could be virtually situated in the middle of a room. To move the user camera, simply move the device itself, creating an intuitive and immersive experience.
In XR/AR mode, the user camera is moved by physically moving the device, such as a tablet, itself.
Touch gestures can be used to interact with content in the workspace (as described further below). In XR/AR mode, the Focus on Selection button, instead of repositioning the camera, draws and positions the selected content right in front of the user camera.
Overview of main touch-gesture controls on tablets and smartphones.
Using XR headsets presents a more immersive navigation experience. The user camera corresponds directly to your physical head movement – look around to rotate the camera naturally. Physical walking (in a safe and clear space) translates to movement in the 3D workspace, providing a literal 'walk-through' experience. For longer distances, you can also use your controllers to shift the entire workspace or change the position and transform of contents. On XR headsets, like in AR mode on portable touch devices, the Focus on Selection button draws and positions the selected content in front of the user camera.