Point-based rendering of a volume.
Trilinear rendering of a volume.
The Volume Render Settings control how a volume is displayed in the3D Workspace.
Interpolation Mode
Defines how data values transition between volume cells:
- Point (No Interpolation): Displays each cell as a distinct prismatic box, preserving sharp boundaries. Best for discrete data.
- Bilinear – Interpolates values along two axes, creating smoother transitions compared to point sampling.
- Trilinear – Smoothly interpolates values between neighboring cell centers in all three dimensions, creating a continuous representation. Ideal for continuous data.
Render Mode
Determines how the volume is visualized:
- Direct Volume Rendering – Renders the volume as a translucent object using raymarching, making internal structures visible.
- Works best with a highly transparent colormap.
- Adjust Alpha Multiplication in the Volume Colormap to refine transparency and depth perception.
- Isosurface Rendering – Converts the volume into a solid, opaque surface representation, similar to a mesh.
- Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP) – Displays only the highest-intensity values encountered along the viewing ray, highlighting the most prominent structures in the volume. Note: For this rendering more, colormaps can not be applied at the moment.
Sampling Rate Multiplier
- Adjusts the sampling density for Direct Volume Rendering.
- Higher values provide finer details and smoother gradients, but may reduce performance.
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