The Callout Block is a type of Annotation and Block in LiquidEarth that enables users to highlight specific points of interest within the 3D Workspace and relating to a Space or its content.

To add a Callout Block, simply select the content you wish to highlight and go to the Blocks section in the inspector, then select Callout. The block will be instantly created in the Inspector and visualized in the 3D workspace as two linked 3D components: a 'Point' and a 'Label'.

These elements can be independently resized and positioned either by directly dragging them or by using the Manipulator (Transform Gizmo). The 'Point' even offers a variety of shapes for further customization, and the entire 3D representation of a callout can be hidden if needed.

Each Callout Block features a unique name that doubles as the text in the 3D label. A button adjacent to the name text field allows for direct selection of the callout. This combination of customization and straightforward interface makes the Callout Block a useful tool for marking and highlighting specific elements within your project.

3D representation of a callout with its respective block panel open from the inspector quickbar.

3D representation of a callout with its respective block panel open from the inspector quickbar.