Public sharing links provide a quick and effective way to share your projects with anyone, including external collaborators and those who don’t yet have a LiquidEarth account. Simply copy the link and share it through your preferred communication channels—such as email, chat, messages, websites, or social media. These links allow recipients to join as temporary Guest Viewers.

Please note that app installation is required to access the shared content. However, the installation process is quick and straightforward.

How to Create a Sharing Link

There is two main options to generate public sharing links:

  1. Space Sharing: To create a general sharing link that leads to a target space, select the space and go to the Access to Space section in the inspector. Here, you can select Share and subsequently Create Sharing Link to generate a link and copy it to your clipboard. A pop-up window will notify you about the successful link creation.
  2. View Sharing: You can also create a link that leads to a specific View Block in your space. When activated, this link will not only load the target space, but also move the user camera to align with the shared view, allowing for more precise communication of observations and insights. To do this, select Share for the target view. This will generate a link which you can the copy to your clipboard.

Space sharing options can be accessed via the inspector (with the space selected).

Space sharing options can be accessed via the inspector (with the space selected).

The Create Sharing Link button appears in a pop-up panel.

The Create Sharing Link button appears in a pop-up panel.

You can also create sharing links for views. Here, you can also directly generate respective QR codes.

You can also create sharing links for views. Here, you can also directly generate respective QR codes.

Please note that these links remain active for their set expiration period (default is one week), which you can customize in the app settings under the Collab section.

What Happens When a Sharing Link is Activated

Once clicked, the ensuing action depends on the recipient's app installation and user account setup status:

  1. App is Installed → Join as Guest Viewer: Regardless of whether the person activating the link has a LiquidEarth account or is signed in, they will temporarily access the linked Space (or the space containing the linked view) as a Guest Viewer temporarily. Once the app is closed or the space is unloaded, they will need to use the link again to regain access, as the space is not added to their list of permanently accessible spaces.

    <aside> ⚠️ Important: While permanent access rights for individual users to a shared space can be revoked by the space owner or admin, shared links remain valid until their expiration, allowing anyone with the link to access the space again. You can adjust the expiration date for sharing links in the app settings before sharing.


  2. App is NOT Installed → Redirect to Install: If the recipient does not have the app installed, clicking the link will redirect them to the Get the LiquidEarth App page on the LiquidEarth web portal. Once the app is installed, they can either use the respective button on the Get the App page or simply click the sharing link again to access the space as a Guest Viewer.