A Guest Viewer is a temporary user type within LiquidEarth who accesses a Space via a Public Sharing Link, without the need for a User Account. This means that typically, a Guest Viewer will have been invited to view a specific space and its content by a registered LiquidEarth user who is also the Owner or an admin of that space.

The Guest Viewer can explore and interact with the content of the shared space, but cannot permanently alter it. All changes made during their viewing session are temporary and not saved. This ensures the integrity of Content, Annotations, and implemented tools (Blocks).

Guest Viewers use a simplified interface (Guest Viewer UI) designed to provide a streamlined, "view-only" experience.

Perspective of a Guest Viewer in a live session with three other users.

Perspective of a Guest Viewer in a live session with three other users.

How it Works (Example Scenario)

Imagine a scenario where a LiquidEarth user with a commercial license has been working on a project (stored within a LiquidEarth space). They wish to present the project's progress or results to an external party who does not have an existing LiquidEarth user account and may even be completely unfamiliar with the platform.

Here is where the benefit of the Guest Viewer functionality comes in: The other party does not need any prior knowledge or user account to explore the shared space.

The user wishing to share their work (let's call them the "host") can create a Public Sharing Link for the space right within the LiquidEarth app. This link can then be forwarded to the external party (the "Guest Viewer").

Upon receiving the link, the Guest Viewer is prompted to install the LiquidEarth app if it isn't already present on their device. This installation process is swift, typically taking under a minute.

Following the installation, the app opens automatically to the Guest Viewer UI and starts loading the shared space. Depending on the dataset's size, this loading time may vary.

Once loaded, the Guest Viewer can navigate the space and explore the content. They can do this individually or within a Live Session alongside the host and potentially other users.

The host might have added annotations or tools to the space to aid in showcasing their work. Additionally, the voice chat and User Pointers can be used for effective communication during the exploration of the space. Furthermore, the host can utilize predefined View Blocks to guide the Guest Viewer through specific aspects of the project space, ensuring a thorough understanding of the project's intricacies.

In essence, the Guest Viewer functionality enables LiquidEarth users to share their work efficiently and inclusively, regardless of their audience's familiarity with the platform.

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