In the context of LiquidEarth, the term "Owner" refers to the user who has created a particular space or has ownership rights over it. As an owner, you have full control over the space, including the ability to modify, share, duplicate, or delete it.

Ownership Rights

The owner has exclusive control over certain actions within the space. This includes the ability to:

<aside> ℹ️ Note: While non-owners can't reshare a space, they can duplicate it and share the duplicate. This creates a new instance of the space, effectively making them the owner of the duplicated space.


<aside> ⚠️ Important: As of now, LiquidEarth doesn't offer features to manage access rights or permissions for shared spaces. Shared access can at the moment not be revoked. However, development of these functionalities is planned to provide owners with greater control over their spaces. In the meantime, please consider your actions carefully, keeping in mind the impact they might have on your shared spaces and collaborators.


Ownership Transfer

Currently, ownership of a space cannot be transferred directly to another user. If a user needs to take ownership of a space, they can duplicate the space, which then creates a new copy of it under their ownership.

Multiple Owners

As of now, a space can only have one owner. However, other users with access to the space can still perform various interactions.

Deleting a Space

Being the owner of a space also means you have the ability to delete it. But remember, once a space is deleted, it cannot be recovered (see Delete a Space for more information). Therefore, careful consideration should be taken before performing this action. If a non-owner removes a space from their server explorer, it doesn't delete the space; instead, it merely disconnects their access to it.

Owner's Responsibilities

The owner of a space should be mindful of how and with whom they share their space. Until access rights management features are introduced, once a space is shared, there is currently no way to revoke or limit the shared access.