Via In-App Sharing

You can share any **Space you are the Owner or an admin of with another LiquidEarth user via the Inspector. Simply select the Share button at the bottom, enter the email address associated with the other user’s account in the text field that pops up, and then confirm by selecting the respective button. The user you shared the space with will now receive permanent (but revokable) access to it, allowing you to Present the space or collaborate in it (Asynchronous Collaboration, Real-Time Collaboration).

Invited users are assigned Guest permissions by default, which only allow them to view the space. If you want your collaborators to have additional capabilities—such as creating annotations, importing data, or sharing the space themselves—you can adjust their roles using the Permissions System (Shared Spaces). Using the same system, you can also revoke a users access to a space.

Using a Public Sharing Link

A an alternative method for sharing your space, particularly useful if your collaborator does not yet have a LiquidEarth account or if you aim to more widely distribute access to your project, you can use a sharing link. For more information on how to use this, see Public Sharing Link.