In LiquidEarth, real-time collaboration empowers users to interact with shared Spaces and their content simultaneously, irrespective of their geographical location or the device they are using. This feature enables multiple users to explore, manipulate, annotate, and discuss data and models in the same space synchronously. It creates an environment akin to being physically present together in the same room, fostering effective communication and teamwork.
There are several key elements of real-time collaboration in LiquidEarth, as described in the following:
- Cloud-Based System: Being a cloud-based application, LiquidEarth ensures that changes made within shared spaces are immediately synchronized and visible to all users.
- Shared Spaces: In LiquidEarth, Spaces serve as shared project containers that can be accessed by multiple users with granted permissions (e.g., via Share a Space or Public Sharing Link). These shared spaces allow every team member to interact with the same data sets, employ the same tools, and view the same blocks and annotations according to their own pace and schedule within their personal 3D Workspace.
- Permissions System (Shared Spaces): Users can have different roles and permissions in a space. These define the way they can interact with a space, its Content, and Blocks such as annotations. User access and permissions are managed by the space Owner and admins.
- Live Sessions: Collaborative sessions automatically initiate when two or more users open the same space. Users can currently disable this Auto-Join Live Sessions via the collaboration controls panel in the top bar.
- User Avatars**:** Each participant is represented by a 3D user avatar. This avatar indicates the device the user is employing, displays their username, and provides information about their audio and microphone settings for voice chat.
- Voice Chat: LiquidEarth supports voice chat for live audio communication between users. Audio and microphone settings can be adjusted via the collaboration controls panel.
- User Pointers: Each user has a pointer resembling a laser pointer. If a user clicks or taps a location, the pointer will be highlighted for other users.
- Annotations and Tools: The annotations and tools system implemented in LiquidEarth via Blocks fosters clear and enduring communication within shared spaces. Users can leave notes, callouts, sketches, and views directly on the data or within the 3D workspace. These annotations are visible to all other users of the space, enabling a continuous and interactive dialogue. The same goes for tools such as clipping planes.
- Cross-Platform Collaboration: A distinct advantage of LiquidEarth lies in its cross-platform approach. This cross-device compatibility means a user on a desktop PC, another on a tablet, and yet another employing an XR headset can all interact in real time, experiencing the same content and engaging with each other as if in the same physical space.
How to Collaborate in Real Time
Here is a short step-by-step guide on how to initiate a real-time collaboration session in LiquidEarth:
Open LiquidEarth App: Start by launching the LiquidEarth application on a device of your choice.
Choose a Space: Navigate to the desired Space you want to collaborate within. This could be a space you've created yourself or one that has been shared with you.
Invite Collaborators: To invite others, use the in-app function to Share a Space, or share a Public Sharing Link link with the desired participants. Please note that you can only share a space if you are the Owner or an admin.
Manage Permissions: Invited users are assigned Guest permissions by default, which only allow them to view the space. If you want your collaborators to have additional capabilities—such as creating annotations, importing data, or sharing the space themselves—you can adjust their roles using the Permissions System (Shared Spaces).
Manage Settings: Access the collaboration controls panel to make sure Auto-Join Live Sessions is activated. Here, you can also adjust audio and microphone settings for voice chat.
Load the Space: Load the space into your 3D Workspace.
Initialize a Live Session: A collaborative Live Session starts automatically when two or more users are present in the same space.
Note: On first initialization of a live session, there might be a moment in which users disconnect and reconnect again. This is due to a dedicated server starting up.