In LiquidEarth terminology, content refers to elements that are grouped by type and stored within a group folder, which is a direct child of a Space. In other words, content is always a child of a group folder, and the group folder itself is the direct child of the space. A content element cannot be a child of another content element. Content typically includes data imported through the app’s import workflow, such as surface meshes, volumes, boreholes, and raster data, as well as any Object3D elements like Page3D. Users can select content via the ‣ or through direct interaction in the 3D Workspace.

Breadcrumb trail displaying the color-coded hierarchy of Space (white) > Content Group (green) > Content Element (yellow) > Annotation Block (blue)

Breadcrumb trail displaying the color-coded hierarchy of Space (white) > Content Group (green) > Content Element (yellow) > Annotation Block (blue)

In this terminology, annotations and tools are not classified as content. Instead, they are part of theBlock system. Any type of content can include Blocks, as indicated by a dedicated section in the Inspector of a content element. However, blocks can also exist as direct children of a space.

In the 3D Workspace, selected elements are color-coded similar to in the breadcrumb trail. When you select a block element (here: callout in blue), the parent content element is also highlighted (here: surface mesh in yellow).

In the 3D Workspace, selected elements are color-coded similar to in the breadcrumb trail. When you select a block element (here: callout in blue), the parent content element is also highlighted (here: surface mesh in yellow).