How to Load an Existing (Project) Space

<aside> ℹ️ Clarification: In LiquidEarth, both projects and individual datasets reside within containers known as Spaces. This approach allows for a flexible architecture where spaces can encapsulate entire projects, including all related datasets and models, or just specific parts of a project. For this reason, we often refer to what might traditionally be considered 'projects' as spaces.


To load an existing space, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Remote Explorer [Deprecated in 2025.1] on the left side of the interface.
  2. Choose a space from the provided list.
  3. Click on the Load Space button located either in the inspector panel or the inspector quickbar. The loading progress will be indicated by the loading bar below the Activity Feed, and a corresponding message will appear in the log.

If you have selected a space in the remote explorer, the inspector will present a Load Space button.

If you have selected a space in the remote explorer, the inspector will present a Load Space button.

A space can also directly be loaded using the inspector quickbar.

A space can also directly be loaded using the inspector quickbar.

After loading, the space will appear in your 3D Workspace ready for interaction. Additionally, it will appear in the local explorer list. To unload the space from your 3D Workspace, select it, and use the Unload Space function in the inspector. This action will remove it locally only, leaving the remote version of the project unaffected.

<aside> ℹ️ Tip: If a space has been loaded previously or is available offline (i.e., downloaded onto your device), it will load faster due to caching.


2025.1 Update

How to Load an Existing (Project) Space

To load an existing space, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Explorer on the left side of the interface.
  2. Choose a space from the provided list (spaces you have access to).
  3. Click on the Load button which is shown when hovering the cursor over the target space. Alternatively, select the space use the Load Space button located in the inspector panel or the inspector quickbar (both located on the right side). The loading progress will be indicated by the loading bar below the Activity Feed, and a corresponding message will appear in the log.

You can load a space directly from the explorer.

You can load a space directly from the explorer.

A space selected in the explorer can also be loaded using the inspector.

A space selected in the explorer can also be loaded using the inspector.