How to Create a New (Project) Space

Spaces are fundamental in structuring and accommodating data within LiquidEarth. If you need a new container for importing data, or if you're setting up a completely new project, the creation of a new space is necessary. Here are the steps to achieve this:

  1. Open the Remote Explorer [Deprecated in 2025.1] on the left.

  2. Select the Plus button at the explorer’s lower-left corner to generate a new space. It will appear at the top of your remote explorer list. By default, it will be named "New Project" and will list your user account as the owner. The space metadata will be displayed in the inspector, where it can be edited directly. Note that a newly created space is devoid of any data and it defaults to a cubic extent with a one-meter length for X, Y, and Z dimensions (0 to 1). Select Save Changes to create the space. Cancel Editing will abort the space creation process.

    A newly initiated space’s metadata can be edited directly. The space is created after using the Save Changes button.

    A newly initiated space’s metadata can be edited directly. The space is created after using the Save Changes button.

  3. Optional: You can modify basic information and metadata either directly when creating a space or afterward using the Edit Data option in the inspector. This allows you to rename the space, add attributions (such as license and credits), and adjust the extent. Once you've properly set all the required fields, select Save Changes to commit the information.

  4. After having created a space, you load can it into your local workspace by using the Load Space button in the inspector. The space will then be displayed in your 3D workspace and listed in the Local Explorer [Deprecated in 2025.1]. Please note that a related message will appear in the activity log and the loading bar will show the progress of the load. If you're working online, the project will also automatically upload to the cloud or the remote server you're connected to.

A newly created empty space is displayed in the 3D workspace (with axis labeling and gridlines activated).

A newly created empty space is displayed in the 3D workspace (with axis labeling and gridlines activated).

The empty project space you've just created will be depicted in your 3D Workspace by default as a gray, semi-transparent, and selectable bounding box, covering the extent defined during project creation. This space provides a framework for you to start importing data. So, let's proceed with that next.

2025.1 Updates

Spaces are fundamental components for structuring and organizing data and projects within LiquidEarth. If you need a new container for importing data, or if you're setting up a completely new project, the creation of a new space is necessary. Follow these steps to create one:

  1. Open the explorer on the left side.
  2. Select Add New Space at the end of the list displayed in the explorer.
  3. A pop-up window will appear, allowing you to define a name for the new space (or cancel the creation process). Select Create Space to finalize. If you are working online, the space will automatically upload to the cloud or connected remote server.
  4. Once created, the new space will appear at the top of the list of available spaces in the explorer.
  5. You can now load the space into your local workspace by using the Load button in the explorer or the inspector (see Load an Existing (Project) Space).



By default, the empty project space you just created will be displayed in your 3D Workspace as a gray, semi-transparent, selectable bounding box. This box represents the extent defined during project creation.

A newly created empty space is displayed in the 3D workspace (with axis labeling and gridlines activated).

A newly created empty space is displayed in the 3D workspace (with axis labeling and gridlines activated).

Space Inspector: Metadata, Extent, User Access, and more

After creating a space, you can view and modify its metadata in the inspector. This includes the space name, attributions (such as licenses and credits), and other key information. The inspector also provides a frame (at the top) for taking a screenshot of the loaded space, allowing you to create a thumbnail for easier identification.

You can manage user access to the space, defining roles and permissions for collaborators. For more information on this, see Share a Space and Permissions System (Shared Spaces).

Additionally, you can adjust the space’s extent. By default, a newly created space has no data and starts as a cubic extent with dimensions of 1 meter (X, Y, and Z, from 0 to 1).


Using the inspector, you can also make a space Available Offline. This can speed up future loading processes and ensure access when offline.